Category Archives: Travel Tips

What to wear on the plane

me in my wool dress and Pashmina scarf

me in my wool dress and Pashmina scarf

What you wear on the plane will determine how comfortable your flight is.  Wool is the most suitable material to wear as it is breathable.  It keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer.  Wool does not get smelly unlike other fibres including synthetics and even cotton.  Australian Marino wool is also stain resistant, anti wrinkle, fire resistant and dries easily.

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Ultralight packing – one strategy

by William

All the luggage for our family of four in the back of a 3 door Yaris hatchback hire car, no problem. This was all we took to Bali this year.

Danielle asked that I share my thoughts on packing. It’s probably my engineering mind, but I am pretty anal about packing my bags for a trip. What I am about to describe will not suit everyone, but everyone should be able to pick up some good ideas about the thought process that goes into packing light for a holiday. Continue reading